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  This is more  

  than flooring.  

  To combat the effects of climate change.    

  We need to take a holistic approach and focus     

  on embodied carbon and carbon emissions.  

  By addressing both, we’re not just offsetting   

  our impact — we’re actively working to reduce   

it. Being neutral is not enough. 

It is more than a product or process or specification 

It is more than designing things that are good 

for the earth — what we’re taking away from it 

and what we’re giving back. 

It is more than material health or circular 

economy or diversity or carbon impact. 

And it is more than being carbon neutral. 

We will work with you to reduce our carbon   

footprint once and for all. 

Because neutral is not enough.  



 People Together,  

  Planet Forever is our promise.  

  Neutral is not enough. 

  is our call to action.  

We are one planet. We cannot afford

to be neutral. We must make changes

and take action together.

Visit our PEOPLE + PLANET page

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Our planet has finite resources. Together we have the capability to make sure we are never taking more than we are giving back.  
Low Embodied Carbon | Carbon Neutral. 

We offer a broad portfolio of products that are carbon neutral and optimised for low embodied carbon.  
Our carpet tiles utilise 100% recycled Shaw Contract EcoSolution Q100™ yarn, contributing to decreasing the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of our products.  

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Materials are the skin of our interiors. 

Healthy materials create healthy environments that have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing. 
For more than 20 years, we have invested in material health with our EcoWorx® carpet tile backing, the first flooring product to be Cradle to Cradle Certified®.  
90% of the products we manufacture are Cradle to Cradle® certified and our goal by 2030 is to optimize 100% of our products to cradle to cradle® design priniciples. 

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We need to eliminate waste products. 
Circular systems mean waste becomes 
a valuable resource. 

In 2022, Shaw turned more than 2.7 billion plastic bottles into flooring. The plastic bottles you recycle today could be the Shaw Contract ComforWorx® cushion flooring you walk on tomorrow

All humans are equal. Together, we 
will proactively create and promote 
opportunities that give everybody an equal footing in life. 

Our manufacturing facility in the UK helps support the local economy, community and businesses in Sanquhar, Scotland. We are mindful of our role in the locally both as a manufacturer and as an employer.​ 
We have initiated a Spark Growth group meeting, which aims to create an environment for sharing and learning from industry stakeholders about key topics and best practices in diversity and inclusion. 

We have never stopped innovating, and we recently introduced our EcoWorx S™ carpet tile, made from plastomer polyolefin, Cradle-to-Cradle® Silver certified, made in the UK, carbon neutral and optimised for low embodied carbon. 
 EcoWorx S ™ is closed loop recyclable through our Re[Turn] programme. 


At the heart of Shaw Contract,

we create products and

solutions that positively

impact people and the planet.

We are Design Optimists.

Explore our carbon neutral carpet tiles 

Spark Growth

Shaw Contract EMEA DE+I leader group aims to have a clear mission to provide an environment to share and learn  from industry stakeholders on key subject areas and best practice involving diversity and inclusion.