Broadloom Carpet
Glade - Graphic Nature Collection
Broadloom Carpet Backings
Not only the most durable and sustainable carpet tile on the market, but this backing offers the ease of a peel-and-stick installation method.
EcoWorx® Performance Broadloom backing is ideal for areas that experience frequent spills and are prone to bacterial exposure.
ClassicBac® is our industry standard solution for your low traffic or high-turnover areas.
Ideal for large-scale designs, Ultraloc® broadloom backing provides superior pattern matching and durability with a high-strength enriched polymer laminated to a woven secondary backing.
Ultraloc®MB broadloom backing provides high performance with superior pattern matching, durability, and a warranted moisture barrier.
Maintenance guidelines
Recommendations for the deep cleaning and maintaining the function, appearance and long-term life of your floor is something we are there to help with.