Castle Mead Academy - Auxiliary

Castle Mead Academy

Leicester, United Kingdom

Modern education facility with blue commercial carpet tile flooring, white bookshelves, and blue chairs

When the latest in the line-up educational sites developed by the Mead Educational Trust, Castle Mead Academy needed a flooring solution for its 1,200 place eight-form entry school, Shaw Contract’s Auxiliary carpet tile collection was the ideal product.

Located along the River Soar in Leicester, the three-storey building comprising classroom space, hallways, and a library needed a flooring solution that would align with the school’s and Department for Education’s Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) credentials. Our products undergo rigorous testing for material health and environmental impact through the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Products Programme and are certified Indoor Air Comfort Gold.

Sustainability was a key feature of the school’s programme right from the construction phase. Carpet tiles were identified as the preferred flooring solution for their ease of installation and durability, and their suitability for being easily lifted and relocated when necessary. In addition, Shaw Contract’s Take-back scheme called reTURN shows a commitment to reclaim and recycle the carpet tiles at the end of their useful life. 

Modern workplace meeting room with large windows and blue commercial carpet flooring

Modern education facility with commercial carpet tile flooring in a spacious hallway overlooking a cafeteria

Mead Educational Trust was eager to ensure the academy’s indoor environments foster healthy and productive learning, meaning indoor environmental quality was essential. The carpet tiles specified are Cradle to Cradle certified and the use of carpet tiles also helps with acoustics which in turn aids concentration in learning environments. Meanwhile in the school library blue tones have been used, a colour that associated with imagination, inspiration and knowledge, alongside complementary neutrals.

Shaw Contract worked closely with the contractors BAM on the project and with BAM Design which was lead architect on Castle Mead Academy to identify Auxiliary as the most suitable collection for the project, along with the most appropriate styles. With its cool to warm tones inspired by nature help to promote a sense of calm, Auxiliary is ideal for creating the right atmosphere for learning. Styles Complement and Feature have been used in grey and blue tones to introduce a subtle interplay of colour and pattern to the spaces.

Castle Mead Academy exterior with school sign and parking lot

Specifying carpet tiles for high-traffic areas like hallways reduces impact noise, while also improving sound absorption in these spaces.

Architect & Designer: BAM 

Modern office space with blue and gray commercial carpet tile flooring and a brown leather chair

Auxiliary collection

Inspired by the transitions in nature - the flow of the waves to the shore, the flow of changing colours in the seasons, with the new Auxiliary carpet tile collection from Shaw Contract you can create beautiful transitions in every commercial interior.
