Neutral is not enough.

The world needs a collective journey beyond carbon and towards circularity.

Join us.

Cradle to Cradle Design Since 1999

Green infinity symbol made of small plants on a white background

At Shaw, we are passionate about empowering a collective, holistic approach to sustainability through circularity. 

We are Design Optimists.


In 1999 Shaw's team of young, ambitious engineers were just learning about the principles of green chemistry and set about implementing the Cradle to Cradle design philosophy, as laid out by architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart. 

This was before Cradle to Cradle Certified® even existed - back then it was an ambitious goal we were inspired by and set ourselves the challenge of achieving.

In 2000, with the formal introduction of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program, our EcoWorx® product became the first Cradle to Cradle Certified®, PVC-free and fully-recyclable flooring product in the world.

Today, over 24 years later, over 90% of everything in our manufactured portfolio is Cradle to Cradle Certified®, representing more certified product platforms than any company, any category, or any sector, anywhere in the world.

We encourage our customers, our fellow manufacturers, and the industry to join us as we walk the progressive path and continually strive to be better. 

The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program is our aproach, our framework to achieve our sustainability goals, to continually optimise our products and supply chain for a better, fairer future for people + planet.

Shaw Contract sustainability documents showcasing material health and carbon impact information

One handy document. 

Sustainability credentials aren't always the easiest to locate, so we've put all of ours together in one handy document.


Sustainability Tear Sheet

source: The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

"Cradle to Cradle Certified® is the leading multi-attribute standard used globally across industries by designers, brands and manufacturers"


"The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, through the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program, sets the global standard for products that are safe, circular and responsibly made".


"Cradle to Cradle Certified has long been regarded as the world’s most trusted and advanced science-based standard for designing and manufacturing products that maximize health and wellbeing for people and our planet, providing a comprehensive and holistic assessment framework across different sustainability performance categories".


Safe, circular, and responsibly made.

It's time for a paradigm shift.


Let's face it, the world has perfected the linear economy of extraction > manufacturing > use > landfill.

But our unfettered use of natural resources is not only unsustainable, our planet is suffering the consequences at an alarming rate.

Collectively, we're a pretty resource intensive; the building industry is responsible for 40% of material use and 40% of waste by volume (1) and material usage in the built environment accounts for 11% of global carbon emissions per year (2). 


(1) The 10YP Program on Sustainable Buildings and Construction, 2016 UNEP.

(2) Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a zero-emissions, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector, 2021 UNEP, IEA.

It's time to transform the way we make and use products. 

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is a paradigm shift away from the linear economy and towards a circular model - designing products in a Cradle to Cradle fashion so that they can re-enter the economy and to be used again, and again, and again. 

The circular economy is a system in which resources are used, reused, and recycled, minimising waste and pollution. 

What are your sustainability goals?

It would be our pleasure to present our sustainability journey and see how we can help you achieve your own goals. 

Our approach to sustainability.

Today, we are proud to say that over 90% of our manufactured portfolio is Cradle to Cradle Certified®; we have more certified product platforms than any company, any category or any sector, anywhere in the world.


For over 20 years we've been invested in Cradle to Cradle Certified® design as it approaches sustainability in a holistic manner, looking beyond just one focus area and requires measurable progress year on year.

Holistic, science-based, 3rd party verified.

The 5 Pillars of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program



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1. Material Health

What's in it? What are the chemical ingredients and how do we make sure they are safe for humans and the environment? 

The first pillar of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework requires an inventory of every chemical in the product, down to at least 100 ppm, which are screened against a restricted substances list (over 26,000 CAS numbers long).

The remaining chemicals are then assessed to ensure they are safe for human and environmental health and manufacturers are then encouraged to optimise these products even further. 

“…the materials that go into [the product] determine whether it deserves a second life, you don’t want to circulate the wrong things, you want to use good things and keep those moving in the circular economy”.

Kellie Ballew, Vice President of Global Sustainability & Innovation, Shaw Industries

Infinity symbol made of green trees on a white background

2. Product Circularity

The core component of the Cradle to Cradle design philosophy is circularity, the second pillar of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework.

It is not enough to simply say that a product can be recycled - manufacturers must demonstrate that the infrastructure to recycle the product actually exists and that it is actively being cycled.

Recycling of product must also optimised and increased over time.

This all starts with using the right materials:

"...this gives you the security to build the infrastructure, to build the assets, to build the manufacturing process - to then bring this product home at the end of its life, use it again and put it into the next generation of products". 

Kellie Ballew, Vice President of Global Sustainability & Innovation, Shaw Industries

Hand holding digital icons representing sustainability and CO2 reduction on a green blurred background

3. Clean Air & Climate Protection

What is the carbon impact of the manufacturing process? 

The third pillar of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework requires manufacturers to reduce operational and embodied carbon, with the aim of to getting to a net zero product.

"Product manufacturing should result in a positive impact on air quality, the renewable energy supply, and the balance of climate changing greenhouse gasses".

The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Instittute

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4. Water & Soil Stewardship

Is it good for the ecosystem? 

The fourth pillar of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework requires that clean water and healthy soils are maintained throughout the manufacturing process and after.

The material health pillar also plays a critical role here, using the same restricted substances list to ensure there are no toxic chemicals in the water or in the soil, as a result of the manufacturing process. 

Diverse hands reaching towards a globe, symbolizing unity and diversity

5. Social Fairness

Is it good for people? Do the manufacturing process respect human rights and contribute to a fair and equitable society?

The fifth and final pillar of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework asks, simply, is this product being made by a company that treats its people well, across its entire supply chain? 

The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program was one of the first frameworks to look at social fairness as an integral part of sustainability. 

Ready to join the journey to circular?

It would be our pleasure to present our sustainability journey and see how we can help you achieve your own goals.