Gagnants Best of Globe

Avec plus de 650 candidatures provenant de 40 pays à travers le monde, notre programme Shaw Contract Design Awards 2023 a véritablement célébré l'optimisme du design et sa capacité à influencer notre vie quotidienne. Nous sommes honorés d'annoncer les lauréats du Best of Globe, qui représentent le plus haut calibre de travail parmi l'industrie mondiale du design. Découvrez les projets gagnants ci-dessous et découvrez comment ils inspirent chacun de nouvelles façons de vivre, de travailler, d'apprendre et de guérir à travers le prisme du design.


Modern workplace lounge area with people interacting, featuring a stylish concrete floor and wooden shelving

345 North Morgan
by Eckenhoff Saunders

Chicago, United States

Located adjacent to the metro tracks, the design drew inspiration from the neighbourhood's rich industrial history and the scale and luxury of classic railway stations. The unexpected light, bright colour palette, and modern furnishings imbue the environment with energy.

Featured Products: Custom Rugs from Shaw Hospitality

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Modern office space with large windows and a man walking, featuring commercial carpet tile flooring in a workplace setting

Boston Consulting Group Canadian Headquarters by HOK

Toronto, Canada

The goal of this new office was to create a space that would connect their clients and staff, highlight their rich history, their environmental, social and governance (ESG) values, and foster an environment where employees can complete their best work.

Featured Products: Process Tile (5T302), Knotted Tile (5T301), Exchange Tile (5T304), Jacquard Tile (5T280)

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Modern hospitality facility with sleek interior design featuring neutral-toned flooring and contemporary furniture

OMO5 Kumamoto (Hoshino Resorts) by Tatsuro Sasaki Architects

Kumamoto City, Japan

Located in the centre of the city overlooking Kumamoto Castle, this hotel was built on Mt. Chausu surrounded by lush nature, being part of this beautiful scenery in this vibrant city.

Featured Products: Plains Tile (5T374)

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Modern workplace interior with light wood flooring and contemporary furniture

Naelofar Office by SWOT Design Group

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Inspired by the ideology that “connection is the most crucial component in building a productive and efficient workplace”, the firm aimed to capture the essence of nurturing relationships, with a space that is polished, and creative whilst also conveying the brand’s professional and personalised approach.

Featured Products: Pristine (5T374), Landing Edge (5T375), Plains (5T374), Landing (5T373), Inclusive (4068V), Composed (098UV)

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Modern workplace conference room with beige chairs, a long black table, and commercial carpet flooring

Newmont by Rezen Studio

Subiaco, Australia

The Newmont workplace reflects the culture and aspirations of the business and is a functional, flexible and forward-looking tenancy for the future that supports a ‘remote first’ approach, being an example of the rapidly evolving office typology.

Featured Products: Flat Weave Tile (5T321)

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