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Shaw Contract

Melbourne Design Lab

Building 3A/650 Church Street

Cremorne, VIC 3121

Ph. 1800 556 302

Opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Google Maps
Overhead view of a modern education facility with geometric patterned commercial carpet tile in shades of blue, green, and gray, featuring two women interacting with colorful fabric swatches on a terrazzo table

Shaw Contract

Sydney Design Lab

Suite 48, Jones Bay Wharf

26-32 Pirrama Road

Pyrmont, NSW 2009

Ph. 1800 556 302

 *By appointment Only*

Modern showroom with a variety of colorful carpet swatches displayed on a wooden wall, featuring a mix of blue, green, orange, pink, and gray tones, with industrial lighting and shelving in the background

Shaw Contract

Perth Design Lab


3a Church Street

Perth, WA 6000

Ph. 1800 556 302



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